T.C. Mİllî Eğİtİm BakanlIğI
ESKİŞEHİR / İNÖNÜ - Vehbi Koç Ortaokulu

Recycling Wastes Growing Hopes

In today's world global warming is a big issue. Consequently we have to focus on our amount of consuming and inevitable our amount of waste. In this project our main aim is to make our young students whose age range is 5-14 be aware of these important issues. We aim to make the life, in which students are very sensitive about recycling, make the amount of their waste minimized and especially get the gist of zero waste, had an atmosphere that contains better breathable air. By doing this with speacial needs education learners, while we would like to improve their fine motor skills, we are eager to make them become involved in the society as well. The importance of showing that the wastes are not just waste; they can be recycled, be used for the greater good by using every opportunity to create something from them is our main target as well as with the importance of possibility that we can have a better environment, better world, better cleaner future. The project is generated with the perspective of art, natural sciences and social studies as well as with the other subjects like computer technology, language learning, guidance and values learning. The project will end with a final exhibition.


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Yayın: 09.02.2023 - Güncelleme: 09.02.2023 15:57 - Görüntülenme: 165
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